Selecting table elements

With a single gesture you can select an entire table, row, or column, or a contiguous range of cells within the table. Once the table or individual cells are selected, you can do the following:

Modify the appearance of selected cells or the text contained in them. See Formatting tables.
Copy and paste adjacent cells. See Copying and pasting cells.

You can also select multiple nonadjacent cells in a table and modify the properties of those cells. You cannot copy or paste nonadjacent cell selections.

To select the entire table, do one of the following:

Click the top left corner of the table, or click anywhere on the right or bottom edge.
Click once in the table and choose Modify > Table > Select Table.
Click once in the table and choose Edit > Select All.
Position the insertion point anywhere inside the table, and select the <table> tag at the bottom left corner of the Document window.
Selection handles appear around the table when it is selected.

To select rows or columns, do one of the following:

Position the insertion point at the left margin of a row or at the top of a column. Click when the selection arrow appears.
Click in a cell, and drag across or down to select multiple rows or columns.

To select one or more cells, do one of the following:

Click in a cell, and drag down or across to another cell.
Click in one cell and then Shift-click another cell. All of the cells within the rectangular region are selected.

To select nonadjacent cells, do one of the following:

Press Control (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) and click in the table to add cells, rows, or columns to the selection.
Select multiple cells in the table, and then press Control (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) and click cells, rows, or columns to deselect individual cells.